Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Have you ever had a boil that turned into an abscess? If not, you better pray you don’t get one. Lol… I have one now. It all started with just a simple pimple that turned into a boil and turned into an abscess. I started to self medicate, tried to clean and drain it by myself. Then after three painful days, I decided to go to an expert, a doctor. The doctor said, “if only you have come earlier, we could have prevented it to get infected like that.” She told me that it is one of the worst that she is draining.

You know what my friend; our life is like my simple boil that turned into an abscess, if we will just consult God first and not self medicate, we can prevent all the complications and infections in life.

Another thing I learned when I went to the doctor’s office is that you have to wait. Even though I am walking in pain and a bloody bandage, I still have to wait. I waited for approximately an hour just to have my turn to be operated, to add more pain, to add more injury which is of course for my own treatment and relief. And I believe this is also the same thing in life. We will spend a lot of waiting time in life. I could have made a scene asking the secretary to hasten my appointment or I could have just waited patiently waiting for my turn which is of course will eventually come.

And God sees us while we are waiting; He can be saying “Wait the right way, wait patiently.” God instructed us to wait patiently, if we wait in Him, we will not be weary. And sometimes, we just have to walk through things while we wait and sometimes we run and the time goes by quickly. Now, my question is, how do we wait? I believe we should wait with praise and worship in our hearts. Praising Him and thanking Him in advance for what will happen is a good sign of patience. We wait patiently by watching our words, action and thoughts. Our thoughts direct our words and will eventually direct our lives.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One Step at a Time.

I have to make a confession to you my friend; I have what they call O.C. (Obsessive Compulsive) Disorder. In the Philippines, they call it OC-OC. If you are like me, you probably have a “TO DO LIST” in somewhere near you (I want everything organized). I have a “TO DO LIST” in my phone, maybe you have it in your mind, it is a list of all things you need and hope to get it done within the day or sometime soon and being a therapist we also formulate short term and long term goals for our patients. I know sometimes I can get so busy and sometimes it overwhelms me and drains my energy. And just today, I have to look at my patient list and it is way above the norm. And most of the time, our “TO DO LIST”, though it is full of good intention, it can actually distract us and keep us from God’s plan.

And you know what my friend, God wants to live us a balanced life. In reality, all things don’t happen instantly, even microwavable food isn’t cooked instantly, It can take up to 5 minutes to cook it. As a human being, we grow one step at a time, we grow big little by little, we lose weight gradually, we pay debt one payment at a time. Don’t get me wrong, I believe the Bible verse “With God, all things are possible,” but it also doesn’t say “With God, all things happen instantly.”  And yes, my God is a supernatural God, but we also have to be patient in what His plans for our lives.

God is saying to me now, learn to balance, learn to trust ME, learn to be patient Mike and do it one step at a time. He wants me to focus on the next step, not on the actual long travel. I am letting God to just lead and guide me on my journey and let me just do the stepping. I don’t need to figure out everything today, all I need to do today is to take that next step which is moving forward. I may have to make some adjustment along the way, but I know God is leading me. Same with you my friend just start doing a little baby step at a time and before we know it, we are there in our destination.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Because I Said So.

As a father who is outside of the country, I usually talk to my children through skype or magicjack. And most of the time, my children will ask something that they need from school or something they like for their birthday. And just recently, my eldest daughter Alyssa asked for a bicycle, I told her that once she gets here in the US, I will buy her a bike. It may take some time for her to receive the gift, but she was happy I told her that she will get it someday. She specified a color and an additional 2 for her siblings Kishi and Zeya. My daughters are so happy that they expect it and look forward in going here in the US. It will be quite a while for them to go here in the US because of financial matters, but I will make sure they will come here and buy that bicycle because I said so.

You know what my friend, same with our lives. God says something in your life, like “You are blessed, You are healed, You are anointed, You are capable, You are equipped, You are favored” because HE says so.

When God said to Abraham that he will be a father to many nations, it came to reality because He said so. When God said to Mary that she will give birth to a savior, it came to reality because He said so. When Jesus said to the bleeding lady that she is healed, it came to reality because He said so.

Today my friend, you may be burdened by your problems, lift it up to God because He has His hand over your world. You may be thinking you are not blessed, not confident, not healthy, not favored. Double check again, because God is saying you are blessed, prosperous, healed, loved, highly favored.  Because HE said so!