Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gone Fishing.

I usually start my day with a coffee. That makes me feel good and have my internal organ get pumped up for the day. I visited a friend at North Carolina and one thing I observed is that he fishes first thing in the morning to make his day good. When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing that you are thinking or doing?  Are you starting it with a thankful heart? Or are you starting it with a complaint in your mouth? And often times, we dictate the rest of the day on how we start it. If we start it with a bad morning, the rest of the day will be bad. If we start it with a thankful and a positive start, for sure, the rest of our day will be blessed. I see a lot of people  who are grumpy in the morning and grumpy the whole day.

And I want to encourage you my friend, no matter what you are having in the morning, choose to praise the Lord, choose to declare His blessings, and choose to be thankful. Because our words have incredible power and they will open God’s blessing to work in our lives. If God will not work in the rest of the day, definitely the devil will work on it. Stop magnifying your problems and start magnifying our God.

Start to thank God for His goodness, His provisions, His faithfulness and His love. Praise Him at all times and watch how He transforms your day.

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