Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year. New Challenges. New Victories. New Breakthroughs.

It is the time of the year again that people will start a resolution. It is the time of the year that people will attempt to change, attempt to get out of their comfort zone. And one thing I’ve learned lately is getting out of my comfort zone. There is a story in the Bible that Peter saw Jesus walking on the water. Peter asked “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” So Jesus invited Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and started to walk on water towards Jesus, but when Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind and waves, he started to sink. Peter shouted to the Lord and Jesus immediately reaches out His hand and catches Peter.

The winds and waves of your life may tell you not to get out of the boat, it may tell you that you cannot pass that exam, the wind may tell you that you cannot get a visa, the waves may tell you that you don’t have what it takes for you to get out of that debt, the cold water may tell you that your marriage will not work out, the sea creatures may tell you that you cannot start your own business, or that you cannot be promoted or that you cannot succeed in life or that you will not find a job. Stop listening to that voice, stop looking at the winds and waves; and start looking and crying out unto God to reach your hand and save you. Peter isn’t perfect; he was a disciple but still doubted God during that situation of getting out of that boat. I myself am not perfect, I still make mistakes, I still doubt God. But I believe if I will keep crying out to God, I believe He will reach out His mighty hand to help me.

My dear friend, as the New Year starts, I believe God is asking for us to get out of our boats, get out of our comfort zone and start to walk on water, start to trust on Jesus. You may have started walking and have started to take off your eyes on Him, but rest assured when you cry out to Him, he will immediately catch your hand to safety.

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