Saturday, August 27, 2011

Birth Pains

Every time my wife gets pregnant, we get excited. Even though she didn’t look any different on the outside yet in the first few months, we start on planning and preparing for the new baby. Then as time goes by, sometimes the joy fades. That is when my wife becomes uncomfortable, swollen, morning sickness, she can’t sleep, her back aches, complaints of leg and joint pains. And things to seem to get the hardest right before you give birth. Most specially the last few weeks and months of the actual delivery date.

You know what my friends, same with our lives. When we have something in our heart from God, at first it is exciting. It is easy to stay encourage and full of faith during that time. But the real testing comes when you are about to give birth to that gift. The real test is when we go through the actual birthing process. My question to you now my friend, are you willing to keep a good attitude even when we are uncomfortable and things aren’t going our way? Yes, you may feel pain, discomfort, pain, but if we keep believing and trusting God that the birth pain will push through.

If you are in a process like this, keep believing, keep standing. Even though you don’t see it happening. Hold on to that promise even when it’s uncomfortable because soon you will give birth to that dream and plans the Lord has place in you. 

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