Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stop Thinking and Start Fishing!

If you have seen the movie the Son of God, there was this scene that Jesus was on the beach and talked to Peter while putting away his empty fishing net. Jesus walked over to him and asked if He could join him to fish. Peter told him, I have been out all night and I haven’t catch any fish. I am a fisherman and there are no fish out there right now!

Sometimes in life, we know too much! Sometimes, we tend to know a lot and be a so called expert! Sometimes our own intellect can keep us from God’s best. If you will listen to the so called experts in life, they will talk you down. They will try to give you a defeated life. My mother, when she consults her doctor, the doctor will say she is sick, when in fact she was not. When you watch the news, it will say that USA is a struggling country, when in fact, it is still the land of milk and honey and that everybody has equal opportunity to grow and succeed. I know it is always to have good information, but you don’t have to dwell on the negative report. Look at what and how God can change the situation.

Going back to Jesus and Peter story. Jesus was able to convince Peter to go out again and fish. It may not make sense to Peter, he may have not understand it. But he believed Jesus and went out again. It looked like it was a waste of time, but sometimes we have to realize that God is in control of everything, even the fishes! I think that is the attitude we need to have. Stop believing the negative report and start believing God’s report and start going out there and fish!

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