Friday, October 14, 2011

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall.

Being new in the States, I am not used to seeing the changes of the grass, leaves and flowers here and the time change. One time, I was talking to one of our patient, I told him that the trees outside look dead and how the leaves look sad. He said, “Well, Mike, it doesn’t look very good now, but the truth is, the tree isn’t dead, it is just not in the right season yet.” In summer, that same tree will be green as it can be.” And sure enough, just a few months later, that same dead looking tree was a beautiful bright green and filled with life tree.

You know what my friend, same way with our lives. There are times we look at our lives that it looks dead. Your dream may look dead, your relationship may look dead, your dream may look dead. But you have to realize that it is not really literally dead, it maybe just waiting for the right season. The right timing. We cannot give up just because things don’t look the way we want them to be. We have to keep believing and keep trusting God that He will push us through that new season in life. Friend, if you'll keep that attitude of faith you will receive strength to make it through to the next season and it won't be long until those dreams and desires will flourish in every area of your life!