Sunday, August 7, 2011

Storms in Life

Coming from a very tropical country in South East Asia (Philippines), I am already used to having storms and typhoons. We are so used to these kinds of calamities that every after storm, we enjoy it because there is peace after that typhoon. Filipinos are so resilient to these kind of situation that we somewhat enjoy these kind of calamity. And just this year, I transferred here at Tennessee and there are also a lot of tornado watches. And while watching the news, some of them are as large as 100 kilometers wide with winds blowing approximately more than 120 kph, it can knock down trees, poles, remove roofs and making a disaster. But do you know that right in the center of those storms and tornadoes there is peace? In the eye of a storm, there is peace. The winds, the rain, and there can be damage all around you. Same with our lives, there may be difficulty, there may be a storm with your finances, storm with your family, storm with your health, storm with your job. But you can be at peace if you keep right in the center of that storm in your life. You can find rest in the center. Just like a real storm, we cannot control when and where it will occur, but we can always ask God to take us to the center or eye of the storm so we could endure it and have peace in the middle of it.

Maybe you are just like me, facing a major challenge in life, you have been constantly battling that storm, you are so worried in life on how to overcome that situation, maybe you are trying to get back to that person who did you wrong, or maybe you just want to get out of that uncontrollable situation. Just ask God to take you to the center of the storm. I encourage you my friend to ask Him. Trust Him. Even with the storms of life surrounding you, you will be safe and find peace as you rest in the eye of the storm with God.

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