Friday, September 16, 2011

Root Canal

I just had the final session of my dental root canal. It took almost 3-4 sessions just to finish the damaged and abscessed tooth to recover and make it new again. The dentist told me it will take time, pain and money of course to finish recovering this damaged tooth. I underwent several treatments, cleaning, anesthesia, drilling and so much pain to endure… But now, it feels like a new tooth, a recovered tooth, a recovered smile. I can still feel some pain, but its better now, than before. It is such a humbling experience when you put yourself in somebody’s hand.

And in the Bible, God’s people all went through very difficult times, some are held captive, some are sold to slavery, some are mistreated, some are treated like tooth abscess. But God send His power to encourage and give them hope for their future.

And one thing I have learned through this painful root canal, when God puts a dream in our hearts, it doesn’t mean it is going to pass without trials, without pain, without hardship. He is going to try us; He is going to mature us, because He has something in store for us. Like my root canal, I had painful procedure, but in the end, it paid off because it’s already fixed.

Same with our lives. God may have putted a dream in your heart, just like me, you have to undergo a trial, a testing, some pain, some hurtful situations, a root canal! But if you keep on believing, trusting Him, focusing on the finish product and allowing Him to work in your life just like what my dentist did and keeping a humble attitude. He will give you a NEW Victorious LIFE!

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