Monday, May 16, 2011

Forget The Former Things; Do Not Dwell On The Past

I attended a Bible study last night and had some pointers from this great Pastor. He shared how he went through some challenges in life, he shared how he helped and how he was 
criticized by other people in spite and despite of what he has done to that person. But still he continued to serve God. And in the Bible, it tells us that every person, no matter how high or excellent your faith is they will eventually face disappointments, troubles and uncontrollable circumstances in their lives.

It may be like just waiting for that promotion at work, maybe that office worker who keeps on talking behind your back, or maybe a spouse that is so critical about you, or maybe an exam that you really need to pass, maybe something more serious like a family member who is sick or death, or worst, even a church mate saying bad things about you. I believe, one of the main point that Pastor Nick was saying last night is learn to over come disappointments and learn to let go of the past. I like how my wife handles our situation, yes we have problems and we have misunderstandings, but she always chooses to move on and forget what is past. She chooses to forget what happened before. If she didn’t move on, she might have probably left me for some reason just for remembering all the hurtful words and abuse I give to her.

Now, if you feel heavy today, you may want to examine what you are still holding on to. Be willing to let go of that extra baggage, let go of that disappointments by choosing to forgive. Whoever hurt you, whoever wrong you, just release it to God. Make that choice today and forgive others and yourself. Letting go of the past is the best way to overcome your disappointments and you will start experience a bright future. I am blessed and so are YOU my friend.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past
(Isaiah 43:18, NIV)

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