Same with our lives friends, ka-facebook, ka-friendsters, I want to share a story when I took the NPTE state board exam, I hate to say this, but I graduated way back in the late 90’s and I am not really confident in taking the exam, guess what who cheered me on my exam, it was my wife and my daughter Alyssa, my wife encourage me that I will pass the exam, that I will overcome any challenges that I will encounter, my daughter Alyssa also encouraged me to just relax during the exam and know that Jesus is on my side when taking the exam, because that is what she do when she takes an exam daw. It is amazing what you can accomplish in life when you know people are cheering on you and believing the best in you.
In the Bible, it talks about great heroes who did amazing things they accomplished for God, to name a few are Moses, Abraham, David etcetera etcetera… They all believe in God’s promises. I believe it was God who encouraged them. Let me also encourage you my friend that in this life we are running, we are not alone, we have the heaven on our side. You may be saying, I can’t do this, I can no longer finish this trials, I want to give up, I want to die, I want to resign, I want to end this marriage, I want this, I want that… but the Heaven is saying “Keep going on, keep pushing, keep running and don’t give up, you may get tired, but God will help you through it” I always say this to my friends who are planning to go abroad, if I can do it, you can do it too!
Always realize my friend that you have home court advantage, if God is for you, who can be against you.
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