Saturday, July 2, 2011

His Words in Your Words.

I had the opportunity to talk to a group of people at work, actually, it was the whole company I was talking to yesterday, from the CNA, nurses, managers, maintenance guys, housekeeping and administrative people. And I noticed that there is power to lift up people or push people down as a leader. When you talk to a group of people, we can say something to make others feel better about themselves or you can say something to make them feel worse. And it is really amazing what a simple kind word you say to these people will change their perspective. The company asked me to talk and it didn’t cost them anything, yet my words (I think) have blessed their life (hopefully).

And that is the power of God given to us. He gave us an instruction to encourage one another. Choose to look what other people are doing right, not what they are doing wrong. In today’s life, there are too much of pushing people down, too much of blaming other people on what they did wrong. Let’s try to change and lift other people up and to brighten other people’s day and make them feel better. Giving a compliment is free. This is what I also do to my patients when they are at the therapy gym, I always make it a point to tell to them that “It is nice to see them here.” And “Keep going, you can do it.”. Remember this my friend, that our words are seeds. When we plant a life and a blessing into others that is what we will reap in return.

When you see a co-worker who is struggling or needs help, a friend who has some problems, how do you talk to him/her? How do you encourage them? Always remember that our words, our compliments can put them back into the right track. Our words carry hope, healing, encouragement and life. I believe God is using us to be His hand and feet in this world. So when we speak to others, we declare what God says about their lives. Let your words bring life, hope and blessing.

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