Sunday, March 13, 2011

Signs of End Times

With the recent happenings in Japan, I am having doubts right now, I am afraid of what will happen in the next few days, months and years. Is this really the end of the world? And to tell you the truth, I am also doubting now. When I watched the news and what happened to Japan, I asked God, are you still there? Hello… why is this happening? Why is this happening? Earthquake in Japan, tsunami, riot and political problems in Middle East, there is this political problem here in the US, flood and hurricane also. I was asking God, is this what you call your promise land? Or what? I was asking Him, why my Lord oh why? I was crying over that situation!

If you are like me, I want to tell you something, that the present of faith, doesn’t mean there will be an absence of doubt! Yes, you heard me right, you can always doubt, but always remember that God is always there. Yes, sometimes you will ask, but always remember that God is still always in control. He is in charge of everything and besides, everything is written on the BIBLE that this day would come. It’s just a matter of where you are really going? Heaven or Hell…no in betweens!

Anyways, let me share you about a story about a doubting believer, his name is Thomas, actually he was already named “doubting Thomas”, when Jesus rose from the dead and was already seen by other believers and Christians, Thomas said, “I will not believe that Christ is alive not unless I see and touch His nailed hand.” When Jesus visited the disciples, He went straight towards to Thomas, the doubter, just like you and me, doubting right now about what’s happening. Jesus said “Thomas, look at my hands.” Take a second to meditate on this my friends, Jesus was not condemning Thomas, He was actually proving Himself that He is alive; He was trying to restore Thomas faith in Him.

Just like now my friend, maybe this situation has made you some doubts and clouded your mind, let me encourage you, God is still alive, we may not see Him, feel Him, hear Him, but He is there, waiting for us to believe and remove that doubt in our mind. And whatever earthquake or tsunami, or issue, problems that you have right now, I believe God is still there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will continue to reach out His nail scarred hands and will restore your faith, remove your doubts; He will restore your strength, finances, your marriage, your very own life!!!

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